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Your rights as a victim of crime
Victims of crime in NSW have rights under the NSW Charter of Victims Rights. The ODPP, like other agencies and services you will have contact with, is bound by this Charter.
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How we should treat you and what we should tell you

The NSW Charter of Victims Rights requires the ODPP to:

  • treat you with courtesy, compassion, cultural sensitivity and respect
  • provide you with information about services and entitlements
  • keep you informed about the progress and outcomes of the case, if you want us to
  • tell you if we change or drop charges against the accused
  • consult you if we are considering changing or dropping charges against the accused if the crime was a serious sex offence or caused you physical or psychological harm
  • give you information about the trial process and your role as a witness
  • tell the court if you need protection from the accused if the accused applies for bail. If bail is granted, we will tell you about the bail conditions attached
  • make sure your home address and phone number are kept confidential, where possible
  • provide you with information about writing a victim impact statement before sentencing, if the accused pleads guilty or is found guilty
  • provide a letter to your employer so you can take time off to attend court hearings, if you request one
  • provide you with information about  victims registers.

For more information about your rights as a victim, call the Victims Access Line on 1800 633 063.