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Witness Survey

Are you?
Which age group do you belong to?
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Are you a:
What was the type of crime you were a victim of?
If more than one applies select the most serious.
The next few questions are about the types of assistance and information you may, or may not, have received from the ODPP prosecution team during your involvement in the case.
Which of the following did you receive from the ODPP? Tick as many as apply.
Was the Court Process and your role in it explained to you by the ODPP?
Did you receive any of the following booklets or leaflets from the ODPP? Select as many as apply.
Did you find the above material useful?


The next question is about your contact with the Witness Assistance Service (also known as the WAS).
Which of the following were provided to you by the Witness Assistance Service?
During your involvement in the prosecution case, were you referred by the ODPP to any other support services (i.e. those not provided by ODPP)
Where 0 is Poor and 10 is Outstanding.


As a result of your contact or dealings with the services provided by ODPP (including the WAS), to what extent do you agree or disagree that the following occurred?

Each item should be rated, where 1 is Strongly Disagree and 10 Strongly Agree

What was the outcome of the case?
Where 0 is Strongly Dissatisfied and 10 is Very Satisfied.