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Registration Form

Applicants for the new panel should address the following criteria in the application:

  • Up-to-date short CV (maximum 2 pages)
  • Letter of application (maximum 3 pages) which must address the following:
    • Your experience in conducting advocacy in criminal matters, in particular your experience as a Counsel in criminal jury trials 
      Applicants should include at least three recent examples of their conduct in criminal trials which have proceeded to a defended hearing, either for the defence or for the Crown, including details of the nature of the matter, the name of your opposing Counsel and the judge presiding.
    • In addition/or alternatively, any non-criminal advocacy experience or any other experience that may be relevant to your application.
    • Your knowledge of NSW criminal laws, the rules of evidence and the NSW ODPP Prosecution Guidelines.
    • Provide an example of written work which you have prepared, and which has been provided to the Court in criminal proceedings (redacted if necessary because of confidentiality) or other proceedings.
    • In addition/or alternatively, if seeking to be considered for appellate work, address your experience in this field including recent examples.
  • Nominate a minimum of two professional referees who can be contacted in relation to your skills and experience and your suitability to conduct work for the Office.

You will also be required to answer all additional questions and text fields in the form below, including acknowledging that you have read the Information Sheet for Non-Salaried Crown Prosecutor Panel.

1. Contact Details

Postal Address

2. Practice Details

Areas of Criminal Law that you have practiced in. Select one or more
Major centres where you are prepared to accept briefs and appear. Select one or more
Are you willing to travel for circuit work? (outside of the major centres)?
Have you been briefed by ODPP before?

3. Attachments

Upload Documents
  • Provide a statement of experience in support of the application.
  • Provide at least three examples of trials that you have conducted, including brief details of the nature of the matter, name of the Judge and the Crown Prosecutor or Defence.
  • If seeking appeal work, identify in your attached statement your experience in appellate work.
  • Provide two referees that we may contact for references.
If you are unable to provide attachments, please contact ODPP for any queries or issues.
Maximum 10 files.
1 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, doc, docx.

4. Acknowledgement

  • I have knowledge of the NSW Criminal Law, the rules of evidence and the Prosecution Guidelines. I have the capacity and willingness to apply them.
  • I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions set out by ODPP